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# aliexpress-price-tracker
Price tracker for aliexpress.
A file containing aliexpress login token cookies has to be provided in /app/cookies.json (obtained with cookie-quick-manager https://github.com/ysard/cookie-quick-manager/) for accurate prices (no "welcome discount").
## how to use (with podman)
### build
podman build --tag alipricetrack:1.0.0 -f ./Dockerfile
podman build --tag alipricetrack_cron:1.0.0 -f ./CronDockerfile
### run
podman pod create --name aliexpress -p 8080:8080
podman run -d --pod=aliexpress -e POSTGRES_DB="aliexpress" -e POSTGRES_USER="postgres" -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD="postgres" -v /home/data/podman/aliexpress/db:/var/lib/postgresql/data:Z --name ali-db docker.io/postgres
podman run -d --pod=aliexpress -e POSTGRES_DB="aliexpress" -e POSTGRES_USER="postgres" -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD="postgres" -v /home/data/podman/aliexpress/cookies.json:/app/cookies.json:Z --name ali-app alipricetrack:1.0.0
podman run -d --pod=aliexpress -e WAIT_TIME="1d" --name ali-cron alipricetrack_cron:1.0.0
WAIT_TIME is the time to wait between each database refresh, it can be in:
+ s : seconds
+ m : minutes
+ h : hours
+ d : days
If not specified, default wait time is 1 day. </br></br>
For reverse proxy configuration see `example-nginx.conf`