#/bin/python # edges = [[None, 6, 9, 18, None], # [6, None, 2, None, 8], # [9, 2, None, 0, None], # [18, None, 0, None, 12], # [None, 8, None, 12, None]] costs = {"x1":6, "x2":9, "x3":18, "x4":2, "x5":0, "x6":8, "x7":12} solution = {"x1":1, "x2":0, "x3":0, "x4":1, "x5":1, "x6":1, "x7":0} def check_constraint(solution): penalty = 0 if solution["x1"] and not solution["x3"]: penalty += 50 if solution["x1"] + solution["x2"] + solution["x6"] > 1: penalty +=50 return penalty def check_validity(solution): return (sum(solution.values()) == 4) and not ((solution["x1"] and solution["x2"] and solution["x4"]) or (solution["x2"] and solution["x3"] and solution["x5"]) or (solution["x4"] and solution["x5"] and solution["x7"] and solution["x6"]) or (solution["x1"] and solution["x3"] and solution["x6"] and solution["x7"]) or (solution["x1"] and solution["x3"] and solution["x4"] and solution["x5"])) def neighbors(solution): neighbors = list() dict_0 = {k: v for k, v in solution.items() if v == 0} dict_1 = {k: v for k, v in solution.items() if v == 1} for i in dict_0.keys(): for j in dict_1.keys(): copy = solution.copy() copy[i]=1 copy[j]=0 neighbors.append(copy) return neighbors def calculate_cost(solution): return check_constraint(solution) + sum(costs[key] for key in solution if solution[key] == 1) def tabu_search(initial_solution, n_max): solution = initial_solution best = initial_solution cost = calculate_cost(initial_solution) cost_best = cost tabu = [solution,] n = 0 while n <= n_max: neighbors_list = [] for s in neighbors(solution): if check_validity(s) and s not in tabu: neighbors_list.append((s, calculate_cost(s))) new = min(neighbors_list, key=lambda x: x[1]) if cost - new[1] >= 0: n = 0 solution = new[0] cost = new[1] if cost_best - new[1] >= 0: best = new[0] cost_best = new[1] else: solution = new[0] cost = new[1] n += 1 tabu.append(solution) return (best, cost_best) print("when not degrading the current solution:") print(tabu_search(solution, 0)) print("tabu search accepting 1 degradation:") print(tabu_search(solution, 1)) print("tabu search accepting 2 degradations:") print(tabu_search(solution, 2))