// fixed height const height = 350; // set the margins of the graph const margin = { top: 10, right: height, bottom: 30, left: 30 }; // get window width const width = window.innerWidth - margin.right - margin.left -10; // url const currentUrl = window.location.href; // global delete key var del_key = null; // reload page when window is resized // (resizes every elements) window.onresize = function(){ location.reload(); } async function fetch_history() { try { const response = await fetch(`${currentUrl}app/datahistory`); const rawData = await response.json(); var dateFormat = d3.timeParse("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT"); // SELECT uuid, quantity, discount_percentage, price, currency, h_timestamp let historyData = rawData.map(d => ({ uuid: d[0], value: parseFloat(d[3].replace('$', '')), currency: d[4], date: dateFormat(d[5]), })); return historyData; } catch (error) { console.error('Error fetching data history: ', error); throw error; } } async function fetch_item() { try { // SELECT uuid, itemid, skuid, choice, attributes, image const response = await fetch(`${currentUrl}app/dataitem`); const rawData = await response.json(); const items = rawData.reduce((item, row) => { const uuid = row[0]; const itemid = row[1]; const skuid = row[2]; const choice = row[3]; const attributes = row[4]; const image = row[5]; const values = { itemid: itemid, skuid: skuid, choice: choice, attributes: attributes, image: image, show: true }; item[uuid] = values; return item; }, {}); return items; } catch (error) { console.error('Error fetching data item: ', error); throw error; } } async function get_data() { items_data = await fetch_item(); history_data = await fetch_history(); // console.log(items_data) // console.log(history_data) return Array(items_data, history_data); } function render_graphs(items, history) { // by default, do not show hidden items var show_hidden = false; // Date domain (width) const x = d3.scaleTime() .domain(d3.extent(history, d => d.date)) .range([3, width-3]); // Group the data by (uuid) const nestedData = d3.group(history, d => d.uuid); // Create a div for each graph const graphDivs = d3.select("#graphs") .selectAll(".graph-container") .data(nestedData.keys()) .enter().append("div") .attr("class", "graph-container"); // Append SVG elements to each div const svgs = graphDivs.append("svg") .attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right) .attr("height", height + margin.top + margin.bottom) .append("g") .attr('viewBox', `0 0 ${width} ${height}`) .attr("transform", `translate(${margin.left},${margin.top})`); var dict_xAxis = {}; var dict_scatter = {}; // plot for each graph svgs.each(function(key) { if (show_hidden || items[key].show) { const dataSubset = nestedData.get(key); const svg = d3.select(this); // context on right side const link = `https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/${items[key].itemid}.html`; // image svg.append("image") .attr("x", width + margin.right*0.1) .attr("y", height*0.1) .attr("width", height*0.8) .attr("height", height*0.8) .attr("xlink:href", items[key].image) .on("click", function() { window.open(link, '_blank', 'noopener,noreferrer'); }); // BUTTONS FOR EACH GRAPH // buttons to hide or show item g_div = this.parentNode.parentNode; const hide_button = document.createElement("button"); hide_button.innerHTML = "hide"; hide_button.style.position = "relative"; hide_button.style.top = `-${height+margin.bottom}px`; hide_button.style.left = `${margin.left+20}px`; g_div.append(hide_button); // button to delete item const del_button = document.createElement("button"); del_button.innerHTML = "delete"; del_button.style.position = "relative"; del_button.style.top = `-${height+margin.bottom}px`; del_button.style.left = `${margin.left+30}px`; del_button.addEventListener("click", function () { confirmationPopup.style.display = 'flex'; del_key = key; }); g_div.append(del_button); // Price domain (height) const y = d3.scaleLinear() .domain([d3.min(dataSubset, d => d.value) - 1, d3.max(dataSubset, d => d.value) + 1]) .range([height, 0]); // height axis dict_xAxis[key] = svg.append("g") .attr("transform", `translate(0, ${height})`) .call(d3.axisBottom(x)); // width axis svg.append("g") .call(d3.axisLeft(y)); // clipPath, area drawn const clip_line = svg.append("defs").append("svg:clipPath") .attr("id", "clip_line") .append("svg:rect") .attr("width", width ) .attr("height", height ) .attr("x", 0) .attr("y", 0); const clip_dot = svg.append("defs").append("svg:clipPath") .attr("id", "clip_dot") .append("svg:rect") .attr("width", width+10 ) .attr("height", height ) .attr("x", -5) .attr("y", 0); // lines between dots // plotted before dots to stay below them svg.append("path") .datum(dataSubset) .attr("id", "line_path") .attr("clip-path", "url(#clip_line)") // bind to clipPath .attr("fill", "none") .attr("stroke", "black") .attr("stroke-width", 1.5) .attr("d", d3.line() .x(d => x(d.date)) .y(d => y(d.value)) ); // brushing const brush = d3.brushX() .extent( [ [0,0], [width,height] ] ) // select whole graph .on("end", updateChart) // update graph on brush release // line, area brushed const line = svg.append('g') .attr("clip-path", "url(#clip_line)") // Add brushing line.append("g") .attr("class", "brush") .call(brush); let idleTimeout function idled() { idleTimeout = null; } // update graph on zoom brush release function updateChart(event,d) { extent = event.selection if(!extent){ if (!idleTimeout) return idleTimeout = setTimeout(idled, 350); }else{ x.domain([ x.invert(extent[0]), x.invert(extent[1]) ]) // new domain is brushing area line.select(".brush").call(brush.move, null) // remove brushing area } // Update axis dict_xAxis[key].transition().duration(1000).call(d3.axisBottom(x)) // Update lines svg.selectAll("#line_path") .transition() .duration(1000) .attr("d", d3.line() .x(d => x(d.date)) .y(d => y(d.value)) ); // Update dots svg.selectAll("circle") .data(dataSubset) .transition() .duration(1000) .attr("cx", d => x(d.date)) } // reset zoom on double click svg.on("dblclick",function(){ x.domain(d3.extent(history, function(d) { return d.date; })) // Axis dict_xAxis[key].transition().call(d3.axisBottom(x)) // Lines svg.selectAll("#line_path") .transition() .duration(1000) .attr("d", d3.line() .x(d => x(d.date)) .y(d => y(d.value)) ); // Dots svg.selectAll("circle") .data(dataSubset) .transition() .duration(1000) .attr("cx", d => x(d.date)) }); // TOOLTIP // tooltip: box with node value const Tooltip = d3.select(this.parentNode.parentNode).append("div") .style("opacity", 0) .attr("class", "tooltip") .style("background-color", "white") .style("border", "solid") .style("border-width", "2px") .style("border-radius", "5px") .style("padding", "5px") .style("position", "absolute"); // Interaction functions const mouseover = function(event, d) { var formatted_date = d.date.toISOString().split('T')[0] Tooltip .style("opacity", 1) .html(formatted_date + "
" + d.value + " " + d.currency) .style("left", (event.pageX + 10) + "px") .style("top", (event.pageY + 10) + "px"); }; const mousemove = function(event) { Tooltip .style("left", (event.pageX + 10) + "px") .style("top", (event.pageY + 10) + "px"); }; const mouseleave = function() { Tooltip.style("opacity", 0) .style("left", 0 + "px") .style("top", 0 + "px"); // send tooltip outside of brushing area }; // points plot dict_scatter[key] = svg.append("g") .selectAll("circle") .data(dataSubset) .enter() .append("circle") .attr("clip-path", "url(#clip_dot)") // bind to clipPath .attr("cx", d => x(d.date)) .attr("cy", d => y(d.value)) .attr("r", 5) .attr("stroke", "#69b3a2") .attr("stroke-width", 3) .attr("fill", "white") .on("mouseover", mouseover) .on("mousemove", mousemove) .on("mouseleave", mouseleave); } }); } function render_graphs_wrapper() { get_data().then(function(data){ render_graphs(data[0], data[1]); }) } // refresh render function refresh_graphs() { const node = document.getElementById("graphs"); while (node.firstChild) { node.removeChild(node.lastChild); } render_graphs_wrapper(); } // render graphs render_graphs_wrapper(); // add item document.getElementById("addbutton").addEventListener("click", addItem); async function addItem() { const apiUrl = `${currentUrl}app/add`; const postData = { itemid: document.getElementById("additemid").value, attributes: document.getElementById("addattributes").value }; // clear input fields document.getElementById("additemid").value=''; document.getElementById("addattributes").value=''; const requestOptions = { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify(postData) }; const response = await fetch(apiUrl, requestOptions) .catch(error => { console.error('Error during POST request:', error); }); if (response.ok) { console.log(response); // refresh graphs to display new item refresh_graphs(); } else { throw new Error('Error in server response'); } } async function delItem(uuid) { const apiUrl = `${currentUrl}app/delete`; const postData = { uuid: uuid }; const requestOptions = { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify(postData) }; const response = await fetch(apiUrl, requestOptions) .catch(error => { console.error('Error during POST request:', error); }); if (response.ok) { console.log(response); // refresh graphs to stop displaying deleted item refresh_graphs(); } else { throw new Error('Error in server response'); } } // delete item, pop-up confirm document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { const yesBtn = document.getElementById('yesBtn'); const noBtn = document.getElementById('noBtn'); yesBtn.addEventListener('click', function () { delItem(del_key); confirmationPopup.style.display = 'none'; }); noBtn.addEventListener('click', function () { confirmationPopup.style.display = 'none'; }); });